Friday, December 29, 2006


have you ever thought of Santa beating all the people on the Naughty List with a huge tree limb? i didn't think so. I have recently been acquainted with teh Belsickle , the old German version of Santa Clause, who doles out both treats and severe punnishments. appearently in German traditions, Belsnickle comes on Christmas Eve and scatters treats on the floor. then he invites the good children, one at a time, to come take them. but the bad children he beats with a stick.
Bob just thought that this was an interesting Christmas fact to share with you people, so he did.
also, anyone ever heard of Nightwish? another one of those odd bands Bob finds, but they're realy good. they're kind of like hard metal/opera. i urge all you short people to check them out.

a link for one of their best songs:

the official website:


Šørën Kïêrkêgåårð said...

Hmmm...I don't like German Santa.

Oh my god, Nightwish is one of Finland's biggest bands!
I love Finnish bands!

Bob son of Bob said...

German Santa goes with german fairy tales well. they're all realy sick and graphic, such as the tale of Hans, who was a little boy who didn't eat his soup, and then grew thin and died. or the tale of Franz, who didn't mind his mother and was attacked by a pack of rabid dogs, and died, etc.

Šørën Kïêrkêgåårð said...

Wow. I think I somewhat like German fairy tales.

Bob son of Bob said...


EH said...

i just wrote this whole long thing and then lost it...... ARGH! you lied. you said you were going to write about the belsnickle on Christmas Eve. you lying liar. well then, i'm back in circulation, obviously, and, um, just to let you know, spock is spelled precisely that way, S-P-O-C-K. and trek is spelled T-R-E-K. not treck. which is how you spelled it. bye then.

EH said...

alrighty. i wanted to go on that link to listen, but the computer i'm on doesn't have the right technology. java script i think it's called. anyway, so i can't do that for another few minutes. but i will! and another thing, i'm goingto go post something on my blog. so check it out. bye

Bob son of Bob said...

*bob hangs head in shame*
yes, I admit, I was going to write about Belsnickle on Christmas eve.
but that whole family-not-wanting-me-to-be-on-the-computer-all-day thing got in the way.

Bob son of Bob said...

also, Bob is getting new freemason book! he is extremely giddy about this and can't wait for it to arrive from Ebay.
it's some official publication put out by the Grand Lodge of England (which i verrified) and is only available to Masons, but disgruntled ex-masons like to post them on ebay and sell them to chumps like me who can at last point out that BS about Hiram Abiff and say to the world "you thought i was craz, but they realy ARE a cult!
I plan on doing a very long post on this subject once i can get a little more info.
okay. back into padded cell now.

EH said...

Thanks for the Nightwish link. Too bad I don't know how to work it. Meaning, I don't know how to access the song. tell me how and then I'll tell you how I like it. You should watch The Man Who Would Be King, if you haven't already, which you probably have...... great movie. bye

Bob son of Bob said...

the link's prety simple, you click on it.
if for some reason the screan comes up and the misic won't play, try turning up the volume on your speaker, or pressing the play button.
if all else fails just go to youtube and search "nightwish over the hills" and it'll be the first five hundred things.

EH said...

hey hey hey. ty for the info.... i DID click the link. and i DID turn up the volume. However, i will go to youtube and yeah. bye. oh, btw, i just found and read a copy of the Troyer interview..... you probably don't know what that is..... Prisoner-related. I mean, not related, but ABOUT. anyway. i'll try youtube..... ((Zeke)) aren't I evil?!?!

EH said...

OH. MY. GOSH. that was an absolutely AMAZING song. i love it! thank you so much! all day i have been listening to my mom's records.... and my dad's..... and I don't much like their taste in music. sometimes, in a really bad song, from a really bad band, there will be awesome moments, lasting about five seconds.... and then it's over. but that whole song was marvelous. btw, i wasn't listening to any music that *I* particularly like.... I was just listening to lots of different songs on the records we own. excuse me, i think i'll go watch/listen to it again....

EH said...

it bears repeating: OH. MY. GOSH. i think i'll listen to it a fourth time....

Bob son of Bob said...

heehee, Bob went through that phaze. i think my record was about a dozen times in a row. good song, you might also want to try Nemo, kind of strange song even stranger music video, but very goodif subtle theology in it. i habve a theory that one of them, whichever writes the songs, might be Catholic.

also, beauty and the beast and phantom of the opera are good, (both can be found on youtube)

Anonymous said...

this is me. i didn't want to bother signing in... guess I'm just lazy. anyway..... yeah, good band. thanks again. i am compiling a list of songs that tell stories for my former English teacher (last year, as an example, she used some Bob Dylan song and believe me no one liked it) so I'm trying to find songs that sound GOOD as well as tell a story and i think that one qualifies. do you have a cd of it? just wondering. anyway, live long and prosper. bye then

Bob son of Bob said...

Bob does not, in fact. his friend is burning one soon and i intend on getting one ASAP.
funky trekky finger thing.

Anonymous said...

did you know that in star trek IV: the voyage home, there was a punk on the bus who flipped Kirk off and Spock neck-pinched him? one of the funniest moments in the movie, which was actually supposed to be funny..... I just listened to Nemo for the second time..... they say the oo sound and the r sound with an accent..... it's AWESOME. i wish I had a cool accent like that. although, i like myself the way I am, for the most part. I suppose there are things I could improve, but my speech pattern is not one of them. well bye

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

just listened to wish i had an angel. that's a good song too! MAN! i don't think i'll say anything else.... anything i say after ten is bound to be stupid or wrong. i will therefore shut up.

EH said...
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EH said...

have you heard the Gary Moore version of over the hills and far away? it's 'the original' or something..... it's good. i think, however, too many people argue on youtube about which version is better. it's kind of a pointless discussion. well, anyway, bye

EH said...

hey, and another thing, if you want more nightwish theology-ish stuff, check out the song gethsemane. you probably have already but oh well... €€€€€€€€k. had to do that. yeaaaaaargh!!!!!!! I I I. I I I. goodbye, oh crazy one. oh wait how can i say goodbye to myself.... w/e. goodBYE!!!!!

Bob son of Bob said...

yeah, bob hasn't listened to the origional over the hills but will soon...
sorry i havn't commented in the last few days, went off to see grandparents and should have told people. i have a tendency to do that, so don't take it personaly.
Bob is tried now, a billion hours on the road takes it out of a person. so ignore any pink flying monkey things that i say which make no bite sense.

ps stupid hippies annoy me

Anonymous said...

too lazy to sign in..... don't worry about it, Ethan told me you were going to be, yeah. anyway, so, um, yeah, bye. p.s. i LOVE hippies, so don't even go there!!!

EH said...

no sarcasm intended, but feel free to comment on my blog any time now. do you ever get the feeling ppl use you for their personal amusement and tend not to think of you as a real person, with feelings like everyone else? some people just don't understand about class clowns like us (yes, when i get in school, i make everyone laugh, and yeah) and they tend not to really take you seriously when you want to be serious. ah well, laughter is better than almost anything, so i guess it's worth it. see ya.

Robin said...

Hmm.... beating kids with a stick if they're bad? I wonder if the German Santa is hiring... =D

I dunno which would be better... a crazed robotic Santa chanting "Kill the froggies.. kill the froggies..." in German while brandishing a small dwarf cherry tree, or the deranged hugs-and-kisses Santa that makes you wonder who really is hiding behind all that beard....