Saturday, December 02, 2006

bob hocks lugie, ends marathon

yay! bob has done it! at very last over a month of hard work he has submitted his hard bought novel to NaNoWriMo ( and won!
*Bob pauses in speach for applause, glares at audience for not applauding*
basicly what I did was write a novel in 30 days, although it was more the 3 galons and 110 oz of caffine i consumed writing than me myslef. Smelly did the same, winning for the second year. it's not realy a competition, but anyone who submits 50,000 words "wins." it was quite fun, and suger/caffine filled. if you want more than my ramblings on it check out Stormy or the official web page.
So anyway, what is this novel about, you might ask? well, I'll blurt out my shame, it's a zombie novel. Bob knows, it's sad, like a B-movie of fiction, but at least I didn't use bikers. there are two plotlines that are the same and one that is a little different. one is zombie hunters (freemasons) in 1745 Scotland, one is zombie hunters in fudel Japan. the other, the main one, goes as follows.
the zombies have taken over, and now there are only little pockets of humanity left. one little pocket decides that they've become sick of sitting around and doing nothing and decide to look for other humans. most of these people are based very loosely around one or some of my friends, and prety much everyone I know makes a cameo appearence as a zombie or a victim. so anyway they go around, find some post-apoctoliptic drug addicts (now they can grow weed without fear of government) and find a place where people are pitting gladiators against zombies. they wander about creating plot and words until i see fit to have them retake the local city and begin a sort of safe haven for people.
so, not that good, but fun none the less. My brother is in it as a constant character, (he is a zombie who is too stupid to find people to eat, and eventualy is dressed up as a clown and shot by an old frail man) and on a dare i added the words "fifteen chickens" to every chapter, and seven goats on an island.

also, if it were a blog somebody we all know would have it already, but it's a site that me and almost all of my friends should join, so i thought i'd show it to the rest of the mental wards:

and so before i tell you all to beware the ides of march again, i must share with you the final statistics of NaNo:
Day: -2
Word Count: 58,092
Caffine Intake: 3 galons, 110 oz
Sanity Level: hehehe! they've come to take me away!


Šørën Kïêrkêgåårð said...

Oh my. You've spent a lot of time on this. I can tell.

What are you doing it for? Just because you can?

Bob son of Bob said...

yeah, Bob likes writing a lot, and it's a good excuse to buy tons of caffine and suger. I met a lot of nice people on the forums, groups etc. It's a bit of a self-asteem thing too, the whole "I'm a novelist" thing is nice. if you spend much time at the library order NO Plot No Problem, it's like the handbook. or go to the site, whatever.
i have spent a lot of time on it, yes, at least 55 hours and for some reason i'm kind of proud of writing something about 90 pages, even if it is crap.
al together it's realy fun, lots of nice people, coffee, food, writing and you end up gaining a lot. like experience, enjoyment and at the end a certificate that looks like the greeks on drugs. you might be good at it.

poodles piss me off

Šørën Kïêrkêgåårð said...

Dude, you've said this before.

Bob son of Bob said...

hehe i know

Šørën Kïêrkêgåårð said...

You just copy and pasted didn't you!
What post is that from?

Bob son of Bob said...

mumble mumble post.

Šørën Kïêrkêgåårð said...

Oh yeah!

Bob son of Bob said...

i thought that there was particularly good writing in that one

Šørën Kïêrkêgåårð said...

I also enjoy the writing in that one.
In case you have not stopped over at Bands You Should Know, I am particularly proud of the writing and wording in a comment I left in Quick Message post, just above ProCon. Both of them I am very proud of actually.

Anonymous said...

So who am I in your novel?!?!?! R.E. is trying to steal my Swedish Fish!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... poodles annoy me too, but I don't want to kill them.... animals are NOT FUN TO BLOW UP!!!!!!!! i told you that already today, didn't I? see ya later...... the tng episode they're showing today is waaaaaay overplayed. Redemption I. ah well.... since Spock ain't in it, who cares? okay bye.

Anonymous said...

Bob....i am mad at Edward I too..... WELSH INDEPENDENCE!!!even though most welsh people don't care... 16% of them want independence though!!!!!!!!!!!!sad sad sad sad sad sad.... i'm a loser, aren't I?!

Anonymous said...

by the way, that was me again.... your insane trekkie buddy. okay, youshould give me your email address so i don't have to keep posting this random stuff here...... argh!!!!!! i drive me insane sometimes.....

Anonymous said...

oh by the way, r.e. left his coat in your car... he kind of wants it back.

Bob son of Bob said...

okay, lots of things to say to different short people, so here goes.
short person I: Bob hasn't looked at Bands etc for a while, but I'll make sure to check it out soon.

Short person II: yes, you are in my novel, as is R. E. and you bothg get eaten and drive someone to the brink of insanity and eventualy lead him to go down in a blaze of brainsplattering glory and save most of the works of Hemmingway. if he tries to take your fish, slap his hand. poodles should be blown up and nothing can change my mind, and this particular poodle would have been eaten anyway, so it was faster.
I heard that more Scottish and Welsh people are becoming nationalists, thge SNP and WNP are growing more and more, so always keep an eye on the news. it is sad, and we're all losers, meaning basicly everyone who comes in contact with me. i'll give you my e-mail some time, I'm gonna print off some of my funky amiture buisness cards some time with my blog and email soon, so if i do i'll give you one.

in other news, I may soon be publishing revealing photos of spok in a dress soon, because he is, as we all know, a girl.

Bob son of Bob said...
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Bob son of Bob said...

well, he wasn't ALWAYS a girl...

Anonymous said...

shut up!

Anonymous said...

just so you know, i do appreciate your meanness and stupidity very much. actually, i consider you sort of a friend. ACK, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?! i think i must have eaten too many swedish fish....

Anonymous said...

please talk to me. i'm lonely and bored and semi-grounded and ethan was supposed to email me and DIDN'T...... and everything stinks. by the way, about CCM and repeating the words on the projector........ i wonder what'd happen if you projected the lyrics to great green globs of greasy grimy gopher guts? that would be an...... um....INTERESTING... scenario. we could do that some time. infiltrate their ranks and then offer to work the power point projector....... i think it'd be hilarious. bye now.

Anonymous said...

um, i'm just leaving this comment to see what time it says it is. because i can absolutely NOT have wasted an hour on here...... but maybe i did. just checking.

Anonymous said...

SOMETHING'S certainly two hours off....... your blog or all the clocks/computers in my house.

Bob son of Bob said...

bob knows! his clock annoys him.
Ethan is going to email you, but for some terrible ethanlike reason hasn't.
teehee. that would be fun to run GBGGUGG on the projectar. bob is infintile. teehee

Anonymous said...

yes i know you're infantile..... i am too. i'm having a really bad day so i'll just shut up now.

Bob son of Bob said...

bad days suck. lots of chocolate and caffine usualy make it go away.

Anonymous said...

i have no way of obtaining caffeine. chocolate, however, i do have..... but i'm grounded anyway... sort of.....and no one's talking to me and i have a lot of homework. so chocolate won't make the work and the punishment (ish) go away. you are fun. so i feel BETTER! YAY! great green globs of.....

Bob son of Bob said...

teehee. but yes, work evil, punnishment evil! anarchey forever!

PS R.E.'s coat is at church on thte coatrack, you can pick it up next time you go.

Anonymous said...

about CCM...... my friend (at her church they have, like, no traditional music) she just told me it was more 'people-oriented'. No DUH!!!!!!!! that's the problem.... but of course they don't see it that way. i started a bob-esque rant in my head about it, and about all the other annoying things that happened today, but no..... i'm me. so bye.

Anonymous said...

maybe if you just gave me your email address, that'd work better. or i could leave comments on other of your works of weirdness. by which i mean, of course, blog entries. so check those too! and seriously, tell Ethan to EMAIL ME!!!! please. omg i was typing the lyrics to 'please please me' on one of the school computers and this girl came up behind me and started LAUGHING. she asked, what areyou typing? i said, please please me. 'what?' she giggled. 'please please me' i said. then she said in this really super-snotty tone of voice, 'oh please. we don't need to hear about your little fantasies.' and she had listened to the song that very morning in class with me! she was always yelling at me for being weird..... i'd say random things in class and everyone'd laugh but her. she'd just give me this snotty 'i smell something bad' look. it annoyed me. bye

Anonymous said...

hey! don't call my friends smelly!

Bob son of Bob said...

he's my brother, i get to call him smelly

Anonymous said...

my mom and brother ate at applebees. i haven't eaten, neither has my dad, well, he had an apple at least. darn everything. i have a cold. wonder who gave me that?! (sarcasm....) thanks a LOT. i don't really want Christmas to come. various reasons, maybe i'll tell you sometime, but not on the internet. i have homework. and i should probably do it, b/c i don't want to on Sunday. bye

Anonymous said...

ACK!!!!!!!! HE HASN'T EVEN EMAILED ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

eju fp o esddyr ,u yo,r jrtrz€ ;p; xrlr upi str vtsxu HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!! silly bob. as i was SAYING why do i waste my time here? i will call your house as soon as my geometry's done. by the way i FINALLY have more than 50% in geometry. so i'm gonna work at it and maybe end up with a D for the semester. or a C.... but that's extremely unlikely. see ya.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, that random stuff at the beginning was just me having my fingers one space away from the place they're supposed to be on the keyboard. bye

Bob son of Bob said...

oh dear. need a sanity pill?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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