Saturday, July 01, 2006

The curse of the great wizard G'naftr'knak!

Greetings my pitiful losers! Bob is back for anothyer round. A short one this time. The subject you ask? Nerds! Being one myself I know all about them. Have you ever had a freind who is completely obsessed with D&D or Runescape to such an extent that it envelops their whole lives? Welcome to my house party! You see, Bob's friends (not the ones who take his money at gunpoint, the other ones) are strange people for the most part. Aside from the muggers and the other quarter of semi-normal ones, most of Bob's friends are complete and utter Nerds, or Geeks. I do not use this term in a derogitory way, rather in an open, "haha non-losers, that word has no effect on us now (gniggle)" way. I firmly believe that a nerd should be open about the fact that he is one, and the first step toward the psyc house is admitting your problem. there are some forms of nerds that Bob cannot stand. these are the Enveloped Nerds. the ones who are so completely obsessed with their game, be it Warhammer, D&D or Runescape that if you speak a word of the ouside world to them they will look at you as if you had lost your pocket protector. I happen to know that these exist, I have talked to them on various occasions. teh conversation goes something like what follows:
Me: "Hey."
Nerd: "Hey. What level are you?"
Me: "32. You?"
Nerd: "Seventy five."*
Me: "Cool."
Nerd: "What's your attack XP?"
Me: "30."

A few more minutes of this and we've become basic aquaintances.

Me: "What kind of music you like?"
Nerd: *blank stare*
Me: "Like, rap? rock?Disco? Polka?"
Nerd: "Um, ya."
Me: "Any other sites you like? Game sites or anything?"
Nerd: *blank stare*
Me: "So you like, write or draw or anything?"
Nerd: I can drawr the great Wizard Za'Vatar, and sometimes the mighty warrior Ithor."

I try again several times to talk about normal things, but yet again fail.

Me: "(sigh) what's your Fishing XP?"

And I believe he is still chattering about that to this very day, and he will explain how many shrimp he can catch in one day to whoever will listen until he is old and has even thicker glasses.
this is a semi-sad day in Bobland. but look at the bright side, now, if I keep listening to their ramblings I will get a good raise soon. beause whatever happens, Nerds, since the beginning of time, will grow up to be you bosses. That's one very positive thing about Nerds, is they are exceedingly smart. I've played Wargames (something like Risk) with them before and they can beat you in five turns flat. before you know it they've blown your artillary to shreds, outflanked your prime muskets and manuvered your horses into a corner in front of some spearmen!

translation: "Geek! geek geek geeking! geek geek geek geek geekums! Geekity geekity geekums! Geek!"
But anyway, I would rather be a nerd than one of those stupid conforming "Normal" or "Cool" people. Nerds have alot to be said for them, so suck up to them now kiddies, 'cause they could put you in a monsion or the poolhouse when you're old.

*it has taken me five years of playing the game in question a few hours a week to reach where I am, and the Nerd is usualy younger than me so from that deduct how much he must play a week, or even a day. I would do it for you but I'm far too lazy. HA!


Šørën Kïêrkêgåårð said...

I agree with the whole Christian music thing. Maybe thats because im not into organized realigion, or it's music. And, I know a lot of christians, and they are always cramming their religion down my throat.
So yeah, I agree.

Your latest post makes me worry about my brother. All he does is play video games and some game that I can't ever remember the name of. But, if I start talking about some band I like, he just stares like I'm from Mars or something.
Well, I take that back. He might not be weirded out by something from Mars. But, he is weirded out by his sister. I guess I'm in a completly different world.
Anyway, I know what you're talking about with the nerds and geeks. They do just stare back at you with that deer caught in the headlights stare. Freaks me out.

Well, rock on Bob. And keep typing. You're very insightful. For the most part. ;)

Oh yeah, and my regular blog is Bands You Should Know is my project. Check it out!

Šørën Kïêrkêgåårð said...

Bob, out of all the pitifull ramblings I've come across, your's, in some odd ADD-rittled way, make a lot of sense.

I was not raised religous. But, I was always told to be open to everything. So, when I was like, 14 I tried out Buddhism. In the end, I did not agree with everything they had to say, so I gave up on it, and decided to try and keep good karma.
I've been doing really good actually. Meditating once in a while helps a lot. You should try it.
But, without that obnoxious humming.
As for the worship meets, it like AA meetings?
I've met some "raise-your-hands-and-sway" types. My friends dad knows people like that, and I've met them.
My friends dad also just recently became christian (within the psat year or so), and he dragged her into it. Thank the Lord for me, I brought her back to my side.
Not saying that I'm against religion, it's just, all the bible talk pissed me off.
Okay, so I made her see that she was not enjoying religion. Turns out I was right.

And thank you! My blog is pretty intresting, I think. But, people seem to be put off when I say something remotley intelligent, so I get put down on occasion.
But, I always come out on top with my sly wise cracks, and my cunning intellect.
Kind of.

And how come you speak in the third person? It's a little odd. Entertaining yes, but odd. Please elaborate.

EH said...

that's why i hate trekkers so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay. tomorrow, my very NEXT POST i will go on an anti-trekker rant.